Chapter 32

The charity event at Greenroad Villa was held in the grand auditorium. A large stage was at the very front, looking stunning with an elegant design. The dominance of gold color further enhanced the luxurious impression. Moreover, premium red cushioned chairs were lined up neatly in tiers.

All the guests were mesmerized by the beauty of the auditorium at Greenroad Villa! It was one of the best auditoriums in the country.

David, Sophie and their friends sat side by side in the same row of seats. It was quite far from the stage.

Jack smiled before pointing, "Over there!"

With the help of the guards, it wasn't difficult for Jack to find David, Sophie, and their friends' entourage among the many guests attending the event.

Audrey nodded. She and Jack walked quickly to the group of troublemakers.

"Hey! You can't sit here! Go and sit somewhere else!" Lady ambushed with a scolding when she saw Jack and Audrey sitting right behind her.

No less surprised at Jack and Audrey's presence, Mary re
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