The Wolf, The Sheep, And The Hunter

Truly, when the asura said it was his turned will, he meant it. He kept attacking Aleric relentlessly, and each time Aleric tried to counter, the asura would become intangible and Aleric attack would pass through.

"You think your tricks would work for long?" The Asura punched Aleric again sending him miles away, without even giving Aleric a moment to cash his breath, he flew after him and punched him again the moment he caught up to him. The asura kept punching Aleric back and forth and all these happened in a matter of seconds.

"You fight me with petty poisons and death aura, I am a creature of hell so I eat poison for breakfast." He continued his assort and the shockwave generated from his blows could be seen and heard.

"I am far beyond your comprehension." The Asura finally allowed Aleric to land on the ground. "You dare compare me with the coward king of dreams." The Asura barked while towering over Aleric.

"How could a human survive that?" Sawyer asked no one in particular. They
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