
~Christain Forbes~

With one last adjustment of my carefully tailored tuxedo, I walked in. I instantly got sick of the attention I was getting the moment I stepped in. Although, I knew this was going to happen somehow but I wasn't prepared for it. I was never used to attention since childhood, especially ones like this. The gasps, distinct chatters, murmurs.. I quickly made my way to where my father stood, his right arm spread apart as he waited for me to join him.

'He's really the son of his father... They look so alike... How were they able to find him eventually? He's so handsome...' the talks went on and on for minutes.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw them stare at me with so much hostility, annoyed by the fact I'm getting so many attention from the public.... They had come in first when father tried to introduce me but were immediately pushed aside by some of the guests. Later on, father gestured towards them, allowing them the chance to join him. 

'I understand you all are surprised about the sudden arrival of my son. I was as well when I found out about his whereabouts...' my father started his speech.. Guests in turn maintained their decorum, eager to listen to what he's got to say..

'Chairman Forbes. Are you willing to transfer all you will to your son now that you've seen him?' A random person suddenly asked among the guests.

Murmurs erupted from the crowd again. Seems like everyone was curious to know.

'However the chairman is willing to share his will is none of your business' Audrey barked at the crowd.

'We deserve to know. I heard from a source that he's an illegitimate son....' 

Time stopped running, I looked over to look at my father whose eyes were somehow lost in the crowd.. I could hear my own blood pump in my ears and I was filled with utmost embarrassment. 

'I'm an illegitimate son?'


A couple of hours later, the party finally came to an end and guests gradually left for their homes. I did my best to wear a smile, acknowledging every guests ad they proceeded to leave the venue. Once they were all gone, I strolled to a private space. I desperately needed a time for myself and definitely a drink. I settled to drink few glasses of wine before heading home...

'I heard from a source that he's an illegitimate son' the words kept ringing in my ears non-stop. Father had disclaimed it, assuring everyone it's a rumor, still, I couldn't believe it. Was that why she kept me from him all these years? Was that why I ended up in an orphanage after that fateful day? 

'Christian..?' A small, trembly voice called for me. I jumped, taken aback by the unexpected intrusion. 'Christian. are you okay?' her voice was laced with concern as she asked. Of course, I didn't need to turn around to realize who it was.. Anger started to surge within me... 

'What are you doing here? Stalking me again??' I growled, making no attempt to turn, let alone face her.

'I need to talk to you' 

I snickered.. 'Talk to me about what, Laura? Are you here to show your sympathy about what happened in there? Do I look like I need soothing words from a traitor?! I'm not interested in a thing you have to tell me... I don't even want you around me.. You anger me. ' I spat out disdainfully.

'Just listen to me, for this once'... She pleaded desperately.

'Tell me Laura, are you here to talk me into employing you as my personal assistant?.. you don't think I'll be so dumb. Right?'.

'It's not about that!!'. She yelped, exhaling audibly through her mouth.

'How the hell did you even have the guts to show up here? Aren't you ashamed of yourself?!'..

'Dylan!!!!' she exclaimed, her tone firm and unshaking. I almost reconsidered. She sounded like there's a problem, one I need to know about....

'It's Christain Forbes to you... Not Dylan!' I raged 

'I don't care. All I want you to do is listen to me... Get your fucking ass saved!!!'

I sprang to my foot, turned around to face her. My breath caught momentarily. She looked stunning, as always. The long, flare dress she wore suited her figure perfectly and the way her hair ran down in waves over her shoulders made her look completely elegant. I hated it... Hated her... Hated the fact that she looks like she's doing pretty well without me... Angry that she now belongs to Gabe.. my once hypocrite boss. Are they still together now? Does he still love her? Does he still make love to her?'

The sound of her calling my name brought me back from my thoughts..

'Let this be the last time I'll tell you this, Laura. I don't want to see you around me ever again. Next time I do, It wouldn't go down well with you' I uttered lastly before leaving with my bottle of wine.


'Ohh, Christain. There you are!'

'Father.. are you set to go home now?'

'The guests left already. I've nothing I'm doing here anymore.. Also, thanks for planning the party. I loved it' his eyes disappeared into folds of flesh as he smiled.

'You're most welcome. I'll escort you to the car'.

He placed his hands on my shoulder to stop me. 'The guards are with me. You should leave too. I bet you need sometime to rest as well. And your brother, I really hope you both are getting along well. He can be pompous sometimes but I'm sure you'll still get along soon.'

'Yes father' I answered

"I best be going to bed now, I have a lot of work to do tomorrow" he finally said, dismissing himself 


(The next morning) 

"Where are we going today, sir?" 

The guard had asked 

"To M&F Jewels" 

I answered smiling.

As I walked into the building, there were whisperings and muttering going on among the staff. Guess I have to get used to having people talk about me when I walk in. 

"Isn't that Dylan, Lauren's boyfriend?" "I heard he is the lost Chairman Forbes' son?....He is his son" "But what is he doing here? To punish the boss?"

"I heard the boss treated him poor while he was here"

I didn't react to the words, I simply walked to my destination.

"Where is Gabe?" 

I asked walking into his office 

"Yet to arrive"

The receptionist had said 

"By this time?" I scoffed. 

As if on cue, he made an entry. A shock expression crossed his face when he laid his eyes on me. 

'Are you just going to continue gaping?' I broke the heavy silence 

"Mr. Christian Forbes, to what do I owe this important meeting?" He asked, reacting to my words.

'Nothing special. I need only a small favor'

"Please, let me lead you to a private space' he offered 

'You need not do that. It's okay to talk here..' I replied

'What can I do for you, sir?'

'Hand in your resignation letter. Just to remind you that I will be taking over,.Gabe. I'm back now and this time, I can't be fired.' I smiled and stood up 

'Mr. Forbes... Please, you can't do this to me.'

I laughed mirthlessly. 'I can and I'm already doing that. To make it all easier, hand in your resignation letter as soon as possible'.

'Dylan... I promise. You won't get away with this' he snarled.

I shrugged my shoulders carelessly. 'I can't wait to see you try, Sir' he emphasized on the last words sarcastically.

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