Revenge of the Secret Heir
Revenge of the Secret Heir
Author: Belladonna
1 - Discriminated Son-in-Law

Simon smiled as his gaze stared at the velvet box in his hands. He can’t wait to give this to his beloved wife. He wanted to please her, and as much as possible he wanted her to be proud of him. It was their wedding anniversary today and he wanted to surprise her with his present. It may not be expensive like those she had in her jewelry box, but this one came from his heart.   


He looked at the clock mounted on the wall of their spacious apartment; this apartment was given by his wife’s grandmother as a gift for their wedding. 

He frowned when he saw that it was past five o’clock in the afternoon, and Ash should have been home by now. They agreed to celebrate their wedding anniversary with a simple candlelight dinner in a restaurant. She's late.   


Simon called Ash but she was not answering his calls. He dialed her number a few times again but still, no one answered. 

Simon bit his lower lip as his heart hammered inside his chest. He's worried! He waited for another minute, then tried to call her again, but it was still the same. No one answered. It's almost six in the evening!   


Simon decided that it was best to go to her workplace. He couldn’t stand to wait for her in their apartment. Every second he was getting worried and he wanted to make sure that she was fine.   


He drove to the Diamond Hotel where his wife worked. Diamond Hotel was owned by his wife’s family, the Steele clan, and he couldn’t be any prouder that he had a very successful wife, not to mention that she’s gorgeous and intelligent. A man like him should be called lucky for having her as his wife. In fact, he considered himself to be the luckiest man on the planet!  


The drive to the building was short but edgy. Simon sat in the driver’s seat restlessly. The lights of the city started to sparkle as the sun was about to set. The dark sky only made him nervous, he wanted to reach the hotel immediately so he could check on her. He stepped on the gas and sped his way to the hotel.   


He parked the car just outside the entrance of the building and frantically went straight to the door. Just when he was about to enter, the guard stopped him.   


“Good evening, sir. Do you have any reservations for tonight?” he asked him, but Simon could see how he scanned his looks from head to foot, and there was a ghost of disgust on the guard's face. The guard surely looked down on him.   


Simon looked down at his own outfit, and he winced when he saw that he wasn’t able to change his pants into a more formal one. He was still wearing his tattered and faded jeans partnered with a faded black shirt. He looks like shit.  


He understands now why the guard stopped him. He doesn’t look like one of those filthy rich customers of the hotel who wore insanely expensive clothes.   


But he’s the husband of Ashley Steele, surely the guard must know him!  


“Didn’t you recognize me? I’m Simon Scott, the husband of Ashley Steele. I’m sure you knew my wife since her family owns this building.” Simon tilted his head as he proudly announced that to the guard. He’s proud to be part of this family. 


Instead of letting him pass through the entrance, the guard scoffed as he had just said the most ridiculous thing on earth. He smirked at Simon like he knew what dirty secret Simon was hiding.   


“That’s more reason why you should not enter this place. You don’t belong here! Just go back to where you belong because there’s no way I will let you enter this building.” The guard raised his head, not backing off.  


Simon was shocked. “What?!” Simon’s voice took over the place. “Are you serious? I needed to check on my wife. She's not answering any of my calls, and I’m worried about her. This will not take long, I will just check if she’s still in the office.”

Simon remained calm despite the guard’s insulting words.


Some curious employees peaked at the commotion outside the building, and they laughed when they saw their boss’ husband trying to get inside. They thought he was a hopeless case. Their eyes stared at him, and they all had this disgusted look on their faces.   


The guard blocked the entrance, making it hard for Simon to pass through. “I needed to talk to my wife, please. I need to see her! She might be in danger, and you’re blocking me from going to her.” Simon’s voice reverberated through the lobby, snatching the attention of important guests.


The guard grew more irritated at Simon.   


“I told you. You are not allowed to enter this building, it’s a command from the higher-ups, and look at yourself.” The guard looked at him from head to his feet. “You look like a beggar, you’re going to ward off important guests in this building, and I will be held responsible if I let you in!” The guard shouted, which made Simon utterly shocked.   


His mouth gaped open as he looked at the guard with pure disbelief. He knew that he looked rubbish in his clothes, but couldn’t they consider for one second? And he’s the son-in-law of the owner of this building. Surely, he has all the rights to enter his wife’s building. 


Simon released a heavy breath and remained composed. Time is running for him; he wants to know if his wife is in good hands.  

The guard was scowling at him now, his temper grew thinner by the minute. He would not let this poor man get his way through the building. The guard hated that their beautiful boss needed to marry this shameless and penniless man. He does not deserve to be respected.   


“If you ever try to get inside again, I am going to call the police! You are harassing this place!”   


The guard threatened Simon, but he did not care about the police. He needs to talk to Ash, whether this guard will permit it or not.   

Simon closed his eyes for a second. When he opened his eyes once again, his aura changed. His eyes blazed with authority. His presence now demands attention, and the guard cowers at his domineering aura. He stepped closer to the guard and towered over him.  

“Let me introduce myself once again. I’m Simon Scott, the husband of Ashley Steele. My wife is not answering any of my calls, and as I told you, she might be in danger right now. Just let me in so I can check on Ash.” Simon’s voice was low but full of authority.  

His eyes looked down at the guard since the guard was shorter in height than Simon. 


The guard’s eyes widened and he was utterly speechless at the man’s display of authority. He didn’t expect that one.  


Simon saw how intimidated the guard so he tapped his shoulder. It's just right that he had to use a little intimidation. 

He was about to enter the building when his phone’s ringing tone exploded making him halt.   


He immediately fished his phone out of his pocket, and his heart jumped when he saw that it was his wife calling him. He swiped the screen frantically.   


“Hello, love. Where are yo –   


Simon was not able to finish the sentence when Ashley shouted from the other line, obviously angry.   


“I’m home. Where the hell are you?”   


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