Chapter 105: Obtaining a "New" Item

As Luke had predicted, the giant goblin's corpse was presented to them not long after his discussion with Theodore. Theodore wasn't there himself, as he had left the transportation to the natives to handle and wasn't interested in seeing them again or, more specifically, Luke. The said natives were eyeing them strangely, probably wondering why they needed to transport the corpse to them instead of processing it right away.

He ignored them in favor of inspecting the corpse. It was pretty damaged from the fight, but that wasn't his concern. Instead, his eyes were studying the giant goblin's intact stomach. Whisphersong should be inside the stomach unless the item had merged into a different spot, which he doubted heavily.

"Can you cut right here?" he asked the natives as he pointed to the stomach.

There was no point in doing it himself if he could ask the

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