chapter 9

In her room, how could Andira sleep well so fast if her mind was preoccupied here and there. The girl could only take a deep breath after throwing herself onto the bed with a sky blue bad cover, her favorite color.

"Huhh.... daddy isn't really cool, isn't it so I won't be going to the night market with Satria tonight. Even though I made an appointment."

Yesterday when they were taken home, they made an appointment to meet and go to the night market, that was at Andira's request. It's very simple isn't it, the desire of a child of a rich man who can occupy herself enough to live a simple life.

However, the image of her playing a lot of games there with her lover had to be immediately removed from Andira's brain because the reality is not as beautiful as imagined after the father called that they were already on their way home.

Tonight Andira also can't exchange news from her cell phone with her boyfriend because he has a lot of work to do. The last exchange of news was five hours ag
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