Chapter 28.

Sally and Mabel left early for the club to inquire about Dan Winston so she can retrieve her bag and take her ID to her job interview later that day and also get to talk with him as she gets that the dream was real and not just a dream.

When they got there, they weren't allowed in by the security guards as it was working hours and they didn't provide any passport to show they are also workers there. They stood a bit far from the club arena waiting patiently for the security guards to change their minds.

"This is all your fault, Mabel, I wouldn't have come to the club in the first place but you forced me," Sally grumbled with annoyance.

"Don't tryna shift the blame on me, I never asked you to get drunk and lose your bag," Mabel replied.

"Besides you left without any trace even as it was my first time visiting this club, you left me all to myself," Sally scoffed.

"Don't bring up this issue again, I thought we had argued a lot about it at home and decided to settle it before showing up
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