Chapter XCII

Early the following morning, the task force gathered at the precinct as usual. It was time for them to find out more about the chest and how it was a weapon against the Clairvoyant. It was no ordinary chest though. Unlike any other normal chest, that one had no opening seams. It was smooth all round and more like a solid cube.

Jonas tried everything he could think of that could have opened it but to no avail. After several failures, it was the time they remembered the part about the Chosen’s better half. They shifted from trying to open it to figuring out who the better half was. Since Jonas and Claire were dating at the time, they suggested her.

Although they had not dated for long, there was no one else in Jonas’ life. She had to be the one. Since they did not know of what the better half was to do, they just had her hold the chest in her hands. Still, there was nothing to show for it. The question they all asked was who else it could have been; there was

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