Mr. Ninson called him back but Frederic didn’t answer his call.

“ Why is he not answering?”he murmured.

Before he could realize Fredric was in the house

“ Father… Father…” he called out.

“ That is Fredric boss.” The guard informe.

Mr. Ninson walked out to him

“ I have called you several time but there was no answer what is wrong?”. Fredric asked.

“ I was busy doing something you could have waited for my call rather than coming all the way here .” Mr. Ninson replied.

“ Here seems so quiet and busy is everything alright?”. Frederic asked suspiciously.


“ yes everything is fine you can go back home now.”. Mr. Ninson replied.

Mr. Ninson was trying so hard to make the atmosphere loving and a welcomed one but it was obvious something was wrong.

Fredric was looking at his father’s workers and his Father and how are they were acting strange.

“ There is something you are not telling me. What is it?” Fredric asked his Father.

“ There is nothing wrong I was just busy inside.”. Mr. Ninson rep
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