Chapter 46

Ben walked into his study with a Harvey heart.

He wished he would be scolded that much.

“Grandfather ?” He called out as soon as he entered.

Billy had his back to him as he stood near the window.

Tho he was getting old he still looked strong and showed no sign of weakness.

He was as handsome as he was during his younger days. It just so happened that he had winkles on his face.

He turned to him and took the wine brought in but the butler, Peter.

He poured himself a drink and drank the whole thing in one go.

He placed it and looked angrily at his grandson .

“What was the meaning of that “ he questioned .

“No I’m sorry . It wouldn’t happen again” he said .

“It better not. I have told you time and again that you do not need to pretend when you ain’t at that place “ he warned.

Ben hurriedly apologize.

“I’m sorry grandpa. I thought we ain’t at my godfathers mainsion but there might be spy omg us and I do not want them to ever hear I faked my personality.” He tried to make him see his reaso
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