Author: Eunoia
Chapter One

"Someone found dead!" said Mr Yubatan.

Ella raised her head, looked at Mr. Yubatan's face. Mr. Yubatan, her boss in that investigation department, had a pale, gaunt face, with a lip line that was always curved, making it uncomfortable for anyone to look at him.

"Yesterday afternoon, in Montomisan Village. A man named Ken, 47 years old." Mr Yubatan explained.

"Dead cause?" Ella asked.

"Haven't had an autopsy yet, his body has been buried. He was found on the beach, on the sand, face down and lifeless."

"What is the family demanding?"

"He is a widower, living alone. According to information, his family is not too concerned about the cause of death of the poor man ..."


The boss threw the sheet of paper on the table, right in front of Ella. His expression was flat. "Investigate the cause of his death, and what made him die in such a way!"

Ella's brows knit together.

"Didn't you say the victim's family didn't mind it?"

"I said don't 'bother', not don't mind." answered Mr Yubatan with smirk.

"Then what steps should I take, sir?" Ella asked.

"Go down to the crime scene, don't you have relatives there?"

Ella nodded obediently, took the file on the table and stood up from her seat.

"Don't forget, keep your identity a secret."

"Sure. If there's nothing else to talk about, I'll take my leave."

Ella bowed and rushed to the door.

"Study the file I gave you. Maybe with that you'll know where to start,"

"Thank you sir." Ella said briefly before disappearing behind the door.

that man, Mr. Yubatan, smiled a little and lit his cigarette.


Ella went through the file her boss gave her before she went to sleep that night.

"Two years ago, the case of the death of a man named Nurfan, 39 years. He was found floating with his head torn off in Montomisan Village."

"Two similar cases in the span of two years. Two people who died on the coast. Strange. No wonder that annoying old man told me to investigate." muttered Ella after reading the files.

Montomisan Village was the village of her grandmother, her father's mother. She had been there, but it had been a while, when she was a kid. around 7 years old. Every year her grandparents come to visit the city. But her grandfather died 3 years ago, and her grandmother now lives alone there.

"Okay, think of it as a holiday," Ella jumped into bed, she tried to sleep quickly because tomorrow, the hard work will start. She realized that she was faced with a complicated case. However, she likes it.


That morning Ella set foot back in her grandmother's village, a village she had not visited for about 16 years. Not so many significant changes. Everything still looks the same, except for the village roads that have been whitewashed with asphalt.

Ella's motorbike was entered into the grandmother's yard. The old woman appeared in the doorway. Her eyes narrowed, trying to recognize who it was.

Ella dragged her bag and said hello. Her grandmother, Alina, was still stunned. “Ella?” she hissed, hesitating.

"Yes, Grandma." Ella replied as she took her grandmother's wrinkled hand and kissed it.

"You come alone?" asked the grandmother with a smile on her face.

"Yes, Grandma. Mom and Dad don't come. It is just me." Ella replied.

"Just two weeks ago your parents visited, dear." Said Alina as she led Ella inside.

"You want to stay? I'm so happy," she continued, looking at the bag of clothes Ella was carrying.

Ela nodded while looking around, found the same classic living room as before, but looked more fragile and dull. The rattan chairs were still in place, as they had been when she last visited. The girl felt a little guilty for not coming on the day of her grandfather's death.

At that time she was out of town, on business matters. Her job requires loyalty as a top priority. And Ella has been prepared to take that risk long before she entered this field.

"How was it going grandma?" Ella put down her bag, turned to the side and hugged her loved one gently.

“Very good, honey. Even better after being able to see you…Grandma was curious about your work. You are so busy, so it's very rare for you to see me."

"The important thing is now I come right? It looks like I'll be staying here a long time anyway. Can I ?" Ella smiled.

"Of course honey. You are my only granddaughter. This house will be passed on to you. Don't be strange,” Alina responded gently.

Ella laughed. She kissed the old woman on the cheek, making the grandmother laugh too. Then she showed Ella's room and told her to rest.

Ella just lay down for a while, she then said to her grandmother, wanting to take a walk to see the village.

The girl's real goal was the village head's house, just to stay in touch and get acquainted. But as a new person, she is certainly blind and confused. Luckily when she was confused she saw a young man who was busy repairing the fence of his house.

"Sorry excuse me." Ella greeted.

The young man turned his head, his face impressed masculine, a pair of very thick eyebrows. His skin is dark brown, in short, he is handsome.


"May I ask, where is the village head's house?"

The young man stood. Ella is a tall girl. She is even taller than the average male. But the brown-skinned youth with dark eyes before her was several inches superior to Ella.

"Who are you?" he asked, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

“Debriella.” Ella reached out.

"Juan." Greet the youngman. "I think I've known you before, but where?" continued Juan while observing the face of the girl in front of him.

"I am her granddaughter, Grandma Alina. I've been here when I was a kid…”

"Good grief! Ella, it's been a long time. Do you still remember me?" Juan asked her.

"Hmm... who?" Ella confused.

"I was your playmate. Remember when we used to play on the beach? I used to scare you with starfish, and you always screamed because of that!”

Ella smiled. A moment later the smile turned into a loose laugh. She remembered this youngman. "Juan! How are you?"

"Well. How about you? Why are you visiting now?”

“Great. I'm busy working.”

They exchanged pleasantries for a while. Juan invites Ella to stop by his house for a while.

Juan's mother welcomed and entertained the guest with hot sweet tea and fried bananas.

As they were conversing, someone greeted them. Apparently it was Juan's father.

"Eh, there is a guest." said Matius, Juan's father.

"This is Alina's granddaughter, Hon." Linda, Juan's mother told her husband.

"Oh yes. Sorry for not shaking hands, because my hands are still dirty, from the funeral home..." Matius apoligized.

"Nevermind." Ella responded with an understanding smile.

"Are the tents finished, honey?" asked his wife too.

"Yes." Her husband replied as he stepped into the kitchen and washed his hands. A moment later he was back in the living room, sitting on a wooden chair and joining in with his son's wife who was chatting with Ella.

"What event is it?" Ella asked.

"It's prayer event for third day Mr.Ken's death."

"Oh yes. I heard the news. The news said his death was not natural huh?” Ella pretended to be confused.

Matius sighed. "Yes. He was found dead on the beach. His skin is very pale, it looks like he drowned to death.”

Ella nodded. Then with a careful but relaxed impression she asked again. "I heard that a few years ago there was also a man who was found floating dead... Is that true?"

"Yes." Juan answered. "His name is Nurfan. He's an immigrant. From Balantak area. Only a few months he and his wife and children settled in this village. Poor man...”

"Even worse, his wife, was left to die with four small children." Said Mrs. Matius with concern.

"Do you think why they can die so miserably?" Ella made a confused face.

Matius's face looked heavy. As if he wanted to say something, but kept it in.

"Maybe Mr. Nurfan and Mr. Ken are cursed..." Mrs Matius, Linda, said it carefully.

"What curse is that?" Ela's eyebrows knit together, she looked at Juan who only stared back at her calmly without speaking.

“The curse from Surya Rembana...” Juan's mother held back her words with serious expression.

"Curse?" Ella became more interested, her eyes narrowed curiously, waiting for an explanation.


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