Basketball tournament
Riley's face contorted with anger as he spoke. "Because of him, I was suspended from school, criticized, and had to clean the toilets for a week."

Macey's expression remained stern as she replied, "You deserved it."

"Let me tell you, it's him, Demetrius. Someone with power doesn't like him, so it's not my fault," Riley justified.

Macey didn't even bother to respond and walked away without looking back.

"There's a basketball game tomorrow, remember? Hurry up and register now, only few reserve spots left," Derick Sherman announced to the crowd. The students began murmuring among themselves, some showing excitement at the prospect of the game while others seemed indifferent.

“Anyone?” Derick asked.

Suddenly, Osvaldo stepped into the classroom and said, "Count me in."

"Why are you here?" a student from F class asked him suspiciously.

"Are you here to mess with Demetrius?" another student guessed.

Osvaldo chuckled. "No, I just switched classes. Can I sign up for the game now?"

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