It again

Gideon tried to call Wanda, as he wanted to see her. There had been a sinking in his heart and something told him that he should be with her. However, her cell phone was turned off or out of range.

Brandon walked out of the hospital hand in hand with Lucy and they both saw Gideon in the parking lot, his brow furrowed and his cell phone in his hand.

“Is there a problem, brother?” Brandon asked, moving closer.

“I can't talk to Wanda. It's very strange... I remember that her phone had almost full battery and I don't think that from here to her house the phone signal is unavailable.”

Brandon looked at him seriously. They both knew what the possibility was and so Brandon tried calling Matteo.

“Hold on, why do you have his number and I don’t?” Gideon asked, irritated.

“Because I asked our father.” Brandon responded curtly and tried calling Matteo, but the result was the same. "There's something wrong."

They called Chung-hee and this one called his team.

“Let's track the phone. Even if it is
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