The Great Library (II)

Once the golden Barrier disappeared the entirety of the Hidden Grand Library of Alexandria was unveiled to them. Golden sparks of light scattered across the air creating a majestic sight to behold. A huge Fortress lay before them gilded in all its glory. Unblemished, Untainted, and Unseen by the unworthy. A towering drawbridge slowly lowered in front of them.

What awaited inside was a large plethora of knowledge awaiting to be seen by curious eyes. NEx coudn't help but whistle in surprise, "You mages really know how to go all out." Nick coudn't help but scratch his nose in embarassment from her words. "Well, Faust can be a little eccentric but that man knows how to make things a little more grand than what they should appear." He said as he led the two inside the castle in the middle.

Setsuna looked around and saw huge watch towers and wyverns chained beneath them. Gigantic ballistas that watch over the cosmic skies, ever watchful of potential intruders. On the pathways were infantrym
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