Chapter 222(A secret discussion 2)

Xavier intended to ring the bells in this place but he got glued to the spot which he stood, that he couldn't move a muscle only his lips could move. He struggled to let lose of this man's power which was stronger than his, however he couldn't come out of the spell. He watched this man take Natalie in his arms gently, his dark hair which were long covered his face that it made it hard for Xavier to see him clearly, usually, Xavier could tell who it was even though they had mask on but this man must have cast a spell not to be recognized. He didn't waste much time as he had gotten what he came for and in a spur of a moment faded into the dark, immediately he faded with her corpse, Xavier fell to the tremendously into a coma.


The chop knife in her hand slide off as she heard Mr Williams read a message which Rodger sent recently.

"Tonight?" She repeated dropping the veggies in her hand on the chop board.

"Perhaps, he doesn't want to delay vera and that lucy girl must have told him th
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