Chapter 4844
Charlie’s words put Merlin in a trance for a moment.

He found that both of his previous assumptions were somewhat contradictory at this moment.

First of all, if everything was real now, it would be impossible to explain how he could still come back to life after his body had been riddled with bullet holes.

Secondly, if everything now was just his own consciousness, it would then be impossible to explain how his brain could survive in that situation at that time.

After all, when the body loses its ability to supply blood, the brain would only last for five minutes at most. According to the situation at that time, it would have been impossible for him to have retained his consciousness. Since he could not retain his consciousness, what was going on now, then?

When Charlie saw that he was thinking hard, he said lightly, “Let me tell you how you survived.”

“After you were shot that day, I used my method to preserve your brain from dying so you could be brought here to be frozen smoot
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