Chapter 4859
Merlin said awkwardly, “Aunt, to be honest, I haven’t figured out how I’m going to go back and explain to my wife and daughter why I ended up disappearing after my daughter sent me a text message to tell me that she was pregnant...”

Having said that, he also wanted to distract Lady Acker’s attention, so he asked Christian, “Christian, my wife should have looked for you, right? What did you tell her?”

Christian sneered twice and said, “What else could I say? I could only tell her that I was not sure either. Our benefactor specially instructed me not to tell your wife that you were dead but to tell her that you were missing or had eloped with another woman, but how could I have said that to her?”

Merlin sighed and said, “I’ll also have to think about how I’m going to explain things to them when I go back. The two of them will probably always have some doubts if there is no relatively perfect explanation for this matter...”

Christian thought for a moment and said, “Perhaps you can say
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