Equal Contract

"Where have Catherine gone to, I have been looking for her all this time, I wanted to ask her the amount of manner needed to create a water dragon, I asked the water element teacher during her class but she denied me the answer saying it was too early for me to create such a spell, but I don't think so" Freya said to herself while pacing up and down in their dorm room, she was actually pretty scared and wanted to get stronger quickly, the nonchalant attitude she saw in her teammates today in class motivated her to do more, she already knew that she was the only one that can lead the group if Nicholas was out of the picture now.

After waiting for a while, she saw Catherine coming into the dorm room smiling, this prickled Freya who was anxiously waiting for her arrival ever since, she wasn't happy seeing the smiling Catherine, who was frowning at her all day long yesterday.

"What's so good, that made the great Catherine smile like a little girl" Freya said trying to gain some informatio
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