The Spar

"Have you heard, the chosen six are being trained personally by the high mages"

"What do you mean chosen six, they are actually chosen five, the last one is a liability"

"I heard he has given up on himself and does nothing but stays in his dorm room all day, he doesn't even attend classes"

"I can't wait to wipe the floor with his face, he only has a nice face going for him, he is totally useless"

There was gossip flowing all around about Nicholas and the teachers did nothing to stop it, even the rest five he came with, where being cold as if they don't even know him.

"hahaha I knew that fool wouldn't amount to nothing, I have gotten used to my elements that I can shoot a fireball straight at him without even looking at him" this was Carter he seemed, he had put on more muscles in the span of a week, he was talking amongst the rest four, who were known has the chosen five.

"Mind your manners Carter" Freya said a little disinterested.

"Sorry miss Freya, do you still have feelings for t
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