Chapter - 9

Mom's room was unusually dim with the evening sunlight passing through the window. I moved closer to mom.

Mom never turned even though I clearly sounded terrified. She doesn't seem to care at all. 'What is so fascinating about the wall' I thought. She sat still and never answered me, exactly the same way that kid who looked like Matt did. I started to feel more terrified as I took a step towards her.

Suddenly the bathroom door sprung open and it was mom who came out of it. It startled me. Before my eyes scanned back towards the bed, I could sense the image of my mom sitting on a bed dissappearing quickly. No one was there. A look of shock overtook my face. A figure like mom that I had just seen was gone. Vanished like it wasn't there at all.

"Dear, what happened to you? She asked seeing me covered in sweat.

"I-I don't know" I said breathlessly unable to figure out what's real.

"You are sweating" She quickly came closer handing me her towel "Are you alright?".

I kept staring at t
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