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Not long after Bosy finished showering, a voice echoed around him, “Everyone of importance to the main chamber, please. Again. Everyone of importance to the main chamber.”

He heard Yamapi whimper in frustration.

Two seconds later, Jun and Yamapi were in the bathroom with him, naked. They headed to the shower.

“Gosh, couldn’t he have waited until we were through, fuck.” Yamapi slammed the shower stall open.

“You’ll live,” Bosy said.

They both snorted.

Showered and dressed, the three of them found Ryo and Shige waiting for them. Shige was still a bit loopy, with a silly grin on his face, but he wasn’t stumbling anymore.

“Too much human blood for you,” Jun said.

“Oh, yeah, baby,” he replied.

Jun looked at Bosy. You leading, oh powerful one?

No. I don’t even know where the main chamber is.

Jun spun around and headed down the hall, again with Yamapi and Bosy on one side, and the other two on the other.

The main chamber was through another door off the entry way. The ceiling here was even h
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