The paramedic's face is bright red in embarrassment. It's no lie that she spits when she speaks! Her upper and lower two front teeth are separated by more than two inches, so it's difficult for her to speak without spitting.

It's something she's been living with for so long that it's become second nature to her. And apart from her family who often teases her because of it, never for once has anyone else teased or called her out.

But now, Lucian, a supposed punk, has just called her out in front of all these people! Her cheeks are as red as tomatoes, and she can barely lift her face any longer.

Everyone is staring at her. Oh, gosh! She can feel their gazes on her. It's freaking her the hell out. Her insides are quivering.

If her self-esteem was 100% before now, it is minus 100% now. She so much wishes the ground can open up so she will enter and hide.

"How dare you say that to my colleague, punk?!" Detecting how embarrassed her colleague is, the other paramedic does not waste any time
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