Just Investigating

Carter held contempt for Black Hawk from the bottom of his heart.

This pesky bastard, all he can do is to flee when it comes to real battle.

Since their short encounter last night, Carter already knew the level of Black Hawk's strength. Black Hawk might be almighty in this city but when he starts to challenge a hitman like Carter, that is suicidal.

Normally, Carter does tut with people like this before killing them but since his employer's job is at stake, he should hasten things.

"You local dog, you dare challenge someone like me?" Carter's voice sounded like a growl and his eyes shone like a predator.

"Hehe, this city is my home. You might be a great hitman but once you step into my city, you bow to me" Black Hawk replied arrogantly.

Carter looked at him with contempt, he dropped the books on his hands, he took a step towards Black Hawk.

Black Hawk understood what that means, without wasting time he shot multiple gord feathers at Carter.

Carter doesn't bother to evade those feather
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