Reunion III
" Indeed, you are not easy to fool", Sir James said.

" Of course. Anyone with an IQ over 80 can guess your intentions", Lady Anne scoffed.

" The real reason I wanted to meet you--", Sir James took out the files Edwin had given to him. He stared at Lady Anne for a few seconds before handing the files to her

" The reason is to show you this", Sir James said.

Lady Anne hesitated before she took the file. She glanced at Sir James and then looked inside the file. Her eyes widened as she began to flip through it faster and faster. While Lady Anne was reading the file, Sir James poured a cup of tea for himself. He was trying to cool down the tea when Lady Anne suddenly slammed the file against the table.

" Sir James, are you lying to me?!", Lady Anne asked angrily.

" I'm not lying", Sir James replied calmly.

" How could she be your daughter?! She is my daughter!", Lady Anne yelled.

" Just as the pictures show, Lady Rose switched your child with hers. She didn't stop there. She switche
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