
Many factions populate Garlen, it is only natural that we understand their movements overall

Guardsmen, Under the command of Adilen, the military forces struggle to keep the enemies at bay, even if the inner walls are just as chaotic. Although their numbers dwindle every waking moment of their nightmare. They still fight on, in hopes of surviving the beginning of dark times. Even after the fall of the city Adilen rallied his troops and prepared to retreat inwards, even sending a messenger to the bandits for a truce. They must fight the common enemy first. As the city gates opened a man rose out with a grim expression. Riding for the army that had all but halted the invasion!

Whilst Larks army had halted their advance. This great horde of savages have yet found a name for their forces. Only finding their situation of unity temporarily, that said Lark their commander has promised riches under his command. Now they invade Garhen in hopes of raiding the city before winter strikes. Granted
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