Worshipper Arc. Chapter 16: Valoran meets Annihaltion
Worshipper Arc: Chapter 16. Valoran meets annihilation.

Valoran and the others turn around to see a female dressed in black clothing (a black dress) with black hair and red eyes.

She stands 16 feet (5 metres) away from Valoran and the others.

She slowly walks toward the group, with each step she takes the grass and flowers around her begin to die… “Which one of you broke my seal I wonder?”

The others slowly take steps backwards, frightened by the appearance and power she already demonstrates.

Valoran is the only one not moving a single inch.

“Who is that scary woman?” The elvish female adventurer asks in fear.

The others don’t say anything out of confusion and shock.

The woman approaches closer and closer at a slow pace creating more fear with each step she takes.

Aleister feels a sense of responsibility as the leader of the party steps forward to strike a conversation with her.

“That’s close enough!” Aleister yells at the woman.

The woman now stands a few feet aw
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