Chapter 226 To be the strongest

The force that Oliver released blasted away all five mercenaries.

The others caught the effects of his sudden surge, because of the wind blowing from him from the pressure.

The double S class, Carl, who grinned lasciviously while looking down on the events as it unfolded, also mesmerized by the dazzling display.

Oliver’s armor completely changed. It now glistened with a blinding white light, the design on each piece that he wore became more intricate.

“What did he do?”

Nikolai, the serpentine user, was gritting his teeth, trying to keep himself steady.

The pressure being thrown at them made it difficult to move. It’s weight pushing them down to the ground.

When everything settled, they all sensed an impending gap in their levels, just by looking at the youth.

Oliver can feel the power surging through every vein in his body, increasing all his senses.

It was as if it turned him invincible at the moment, having an overflowing amount of energy, along with becoming so light on his feet.

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