Chapter 07

Celine's - [P.O.V]

"Where's mom?" I asked.

"Why isn't she having breakfast with the rest of us?" I asked curiously.

It was weird for her not to do so.

"I don't know, maybe she left for the office early or something." William my husband said as he continued to eat his breakfast.

"In her room, ma'am, she said she wasn't hungry." The maid said.

"I'll go and check on her." I said heading upstairs to her room.

I place a knock on the door and she responded;

"Who's it?" she said.

"Mom it's me, can I please come in?" I asked politely.

"Sure my dear come." She replied.

"Mom, you look pale, is everything alright?" I asked, sitting next to her on the bed.

"I am fine Celine, just that we are having problems in the company." She responded.

"What kind of problems mom?" I asked.

"Yunno our Italian clients overseas?" She asked me.

"Yeah mom, what about them?" I asked.

"Well they want some of our stocks and they are supposed to be sent tomorrow." she adds.

"That's good for us, so what's wrong with that then mom." I said.

"I am not done!" She fires back.

"You see the thing is we are having so many difficulties with the processing machines and it will take a week or two to get it fixed, The processed stock isn't even close to the amount they asked for." she said, shocking me.

"Then just tell them to wait a little longer or refund the money." I replied.

"I can't do that." she said, tearing out profusely.

"Why mom?" I asked.

"We signed a contract and if I don't supply on time the company would be sued." she said.

"Then let's refund their money, I am sure that isn't against the contract." I said.

"Where did you think the money I used for your wedding came from!?" She asked.

"And note that I used the rest of the money to pay off the company's debt, so tell me, What am I going to do now? I don't want to go to jail!" she responded.

"Ok mom, just calm down…maybe we can get a company to partner with us or invest maybe…" I suggested.

"Really which company would want to partner with another company that is just this close to falling apart." Mom said.

"We figured something out." I said.

The phone vibration cuts are conversation short.

"Might probably be Jessica, my secretary." Mom said.

"Ok get the phone, let's hear what she has to say then." I replied.

"It's an unknown number. Should I answer it." mom asked.

"Sure why not, common answer." I said.

"Hello." mom said.

"Am I speaking with Mrs Elizabeth Maxwell?" The person on the phone said.

"Yes." mom said.

"I'm Mr. Johnstone's secretary of the Johnstone's Empire, you've even been invited for a meeting by 2PM for a meeting at the company to discuss the contract your company is offering." the secretary said.

"Are you serious!?" She said in shock.

"Yes Mrs.Elizabeth we would be expecting you." she responded.

"I'll be there." mom said.

"Omg! I told you, everything would fall back in place… Even if we were going with losses we still got our charm. But mom, who's Johnstone, never heard of him or his company." I asked.

"Are you serious Celine, Mr Johnstone is the richest business man in the world with five companies in 5 different countries.

He's not the kind of man you find in the newspapers but his presence is very much known around the world, almost like a king one would say." she replied.

"Woah mom, and he actually wants to contract with our company?" I asked.

"Although, I have submitted some proposals to them a few times but they never responded. I guess today the sun decided to shine on me." mom said.

Ok mom shall we now go and have breakfast?" I asked, smiling.

"Sure, let's go." She said.

Alpha's Dadon - [P.O.V]

"I am so happy to make time for us to go out soon." Mom said.

"Sure mom, it 's my way of making up for the time we didn't spend together in the past years." I said.

"Moments like this a parent takes to their graves. Am sure your dad would have been very happy to see you too." she said.

"Yeah mom he would." I replied.

"Isn't this restaurant nice?" mom asked.

"Really nice." I replied.

"So tell me something Dadon,tell me about your love life." She said.

I almost choked on my food hearing those words and suddenly I lost my appetite.

"Uhm sorry, what did you say?" I asked.

"Tell me about your love life, is there a she in your life" mom asked again.

"Mom, I'd rather not talk about that now," I replied.

"Why son, you guys broke up or you've been single all these while." she asked.

"Mom, I told you I don't want to talk about it!" I yelled out and left the restaurant.

"Dadon! are you leaving me here!?" She asked.

"I'll send a driver to pick you up." I mumbled as I left the restaurant.

I knew walking out on mom was probably the dumbest thing I might have done since I got back, but it was too much.

I couldn't just tell her that I got married and got divorced, my ex wife hid the fact she lost our child, she bought another child as a replacement.

Used the money for my son's treatment to buy a car, married another guy two days after the divorce and my son later lost his life.

How was I going to?

I'll just end up in tears and get hurt the more I think about it and worse… I don't want her to worry so much about me.

She has endured so much already.

I went to my room and first thing I did was to open the curtains and open the showglass to have a closer look of the garden where my son was buried.

They would pay with their Lives.

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