Chapter 5

New friend

Michael took a gaze at the sun as he walk along a narrow part of a nearby street, on his way to a nearby shop to get something for himself.

On his way, to is greatest Surprise, a tap on his shoulder and lo.. he looked back to see who it was and behold it was Peter.

“Hey Peter, what are you doing here thought you went home already” Michael said after looking around to know if there’s anyone else.

“No.. am sorry if I scared you. Have been following you actually “

“Why are you following me, I told you already that I don’t have anything to do with what you saw, why can’t you just leave me be” Michael answered with a frustrated look.

Michael now confused, he stepped backward and started going back home forgetting what he was after before Peter approached.

“Hey Michael please am sorry for disturbing, I actually have no where to go since the school dorm is my only home since I joined through the orphanage home”. Peter said, looking down.

“Okay so what do you want from me now, there’s nothing I think I can do to be of help “ Peter said firmly while leaving Peter standing.

“Wait up Michael, please can I come with you” he said while trying to catch up with Michael who’s now 5kilo meter away from him.

Michael continued walking not minding what Peter just said, when he almost got home, he turned back, and take a look at pity. Now Peter stopped and looked back at Michael with a pity face.

Michael who knows how hard to be without a family, took a closer look and asked himself “can I trust this guy, what if he’s here to deceive “.

As he was speaking in his mind, a notification pop in.



[Name: Peter dream]

[Age: 17]

[Race: Human]

“You are currently in level 1, you’re limited to few information about your opponent. The more you level up, the more you can see more information about your opponent “ the system said.

“Whoa, how can I level up fast “ Michael said silently trying to communicate.

“You level up faster when you engage in a fight and defeat your opponent” the system answered.

“Hey Michael what are you thinking” Peter snapped Michael out.

“Nothing actually. Okay since you said I should help you, I will but I don’t know you so my trust for you is limited,” Michael said while making it clear to Peter .

“Thanks Michael, I promise I won’t disappoint you” Peter thanked him.

They went in he house. Michael showed peter around a little bit, and pointed out where he must not trespass to. Then he took he to his room.

Michael was still in shock, still thinking, trying to know where his uncle would’ve been. He was not sure if it’s actually the alpha’s who are responsible for his uncle where about but he thinks that should be the case. So he continue looking for more information.

Michael got up from bed and headed to his uncle Lab , unknowingly to him, Peter who thought Michael was sleep walking due to the way Michael got up, was following him to know what will happen next.

Michael got to the lab, at the site of the lab Peter a lover of science couldn’t believe what he saw.

“Peter! What are you doing here” Michael yelled after noticing peter presence.

“I actually followed you thinking you’re sleep walking, I didn’t know you aren’t “ Peter quickly apologize.

“It’s okay but don’t touch anything here, am actually looking for my missing uncle “ Michael explained.

“You mean, this lab belongs to your uncle “ Peter with a surprised look, wide eyes and his hand on his cheek.

Michael continued searching, while he was searching, Peter was there admiring the work trying to get hold of himself not to touch anything but he couldn’t control that.

Peter saw a bottle with a red liquid, he moved closer to have a better look but on the process he stepped on a slippery ground slipped, as he was about to fall, he staggered and quickly support himself with his hand by holding a table at his front but unfortunately the bottle that caught his eye was on the table. This made the bottle rolled. Peter stretched out his hand so he could catch the bottle but he was a little bit far from it so it fell and broke.

“ what’s that?” Michael looked back asking.

“ Am sorry, I slipped and fell but” Peter replied while trying to hide the piece of the falling bottle.

He quickly bend over it and tried making it not visible to Michael. Meanwhile the piece of the bottle made a cut on his palm while he was trying to hide it from Michael which caused his blood to drop on the red substance in the pieces of the broken bottle.

The red substance floated in the air and went into Peter through the cut on his palm…

He felt something going on in him, he couldn’t hold it anymore so he fell down and lost consciousness.

 Michael noticed that something is off, so he looked back but couldn’t see Peter, he ran back and met peter lying on the ground. He quickly picked up his body and took him straight to the nearest clinic.

Peter woke up the next day but couldn’t clearly remember what happened the previous day at the Lab. He tried explaining to Michael but failed. Michael went to the doctor and informed him about the problem Peter is now facing.

“Memory loss ?” The doctor asked surprised.

“Yes doctor, he couldn’t remember what happened yesterday clearly, any solution to that? “ Michael asked.

“ Don’t worry about that, it’s not a problem, he’s going to remember soon, just make sure he is always around you so he could easily remember “.

The doctor gave Michael some pills, and directed him on how Peter should use them then gave them permission to leave the clinic since he is now awake and okay.

Michael went back to Peter and informed him that they can now take their leave, so Peter go up from the sick bay and put his old crooked shoe. Michael was there looking at the pitiful Peter who just lost some of his memory.

“What can I do now to make him remember” Michael murmured .

“Yes ? Are you talking to me?” Peter asked looking at Michael while he dress up.

“ No, I was actually talking to myself “ .

Michael packed up and leaded the way through, Peter followed, they both went back to Michael’s uncle’s house.

No the unsolved matter arises,” What should I do about my uncle disappearance” . As he’s was thinking about this, the sky went deep , the sun went in , and here comes the red moon, a foggy weather, then here appears the spaceship..

“The Alpha’s” Michael yelled.

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