Chatter and Action


Sylvie watched as Killian lowered his daggers. Not as a form of acting so he can launch a surprise attack. Nor is it any kind of misdirection on his part. He’s just doing so because of a thought that the dark elf can read in the human’s head – disappointment.

“What is it?” Pietro asked. “Are you feeling sorry for her?”

“Huh?” Killian’s eyes squinted. As if the most atrocious thing has been suggested to him. “Why would I feel sorry for my prey?”

“Then what’s bothering you?”

The dark elf is a bit annoyed by the fact that her opponents aren’t even paying attention to her. And this just shows how true the gap in their strength is. Because if Sylvie can feel it, then these humans would definitely be able to do so as well. Her opponents have gauged her skill. To be more precise, the leader of the group, the one holding the spear, has done this.

Though this isn’t a bad thing at all. Far from it, this will be useful later on in the fight. That is, assuming that the fight would even la
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