Chapter 458 Anestor's Plan

Laura was not happy to hear Anestor refer to Marianne as someone's lover.

“Of course not, Anestor!” She threatens to push the plate of pineapple pie away from him, “My mother is a saint. If she is in contact with Mr. Correia, it's because they really loved each other somewhere in the past. It was my father's fault that he wasn't the same husband she married.”

“Was your father ever a decent guy?” Anestor finds it hard to believe.

But Laura nods, “Well, he had to have been, otherwise my mother wouldn't have married him! It wasn’t an arranged marriage like in the East.”

“Well then, may your mother be happy.” Anestor smartly picks up another piece of the pie, “Yes, I read about the divorce.”

“Well then, in addition to you burning your status re-associating with my father, Reggie will think you betrayed him outright.” Laura worries about this detail.

Anestor has that mysterious glint in his eyes again. Laura realizes that he is up to something.

“You don't have to tell me...”

“On the contra
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