Strong Men Die Too

"Any Last Words?" Roland asked with a straight face.

With a gun pointed at him, Anthony gulped hard. His limbs were weak. He didn't know what to do or the right expression for the situation.

"You want to put an end to all of this by killing me?" Anthony's voice was barely audible but somehow he managed to speak.

"I'll kill you right here and right now with this gun," Roland yelled aggressively.

"Fine!" Anthony closed his eyes waiting for death to embrace him.

Roland didn't say anything else as he pulled the trigger.

The sound of a gunshot echoed in the warehouse disturbing the peace of the birds outside.

While Anthony was in a dire situation, Katherine was worried sick about him.

"Hey, this is Anthony! Leave a message or hang up now."

Katherine threw her phone on the bed and lay flat, staring at the ceiling.

"Why is he not answering the phone? I haven't reached him for the past two days?" Katherine rolled on her bed worriedly.

She knew Anthony was out of town but the thought of him be
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