Chapter 6: Secret training

Wearing black equipment, sitting on the edge of the fountain. Kaede looks worried. Looking at her status she was worried about her level not rising.

The first time she started the game she does level up quickly but as time passed she didn’t level up quickly as she was expected to.

Kaede’s level is 18, and the top-level right now is 212 they said. Kaede had no interest in this game, to begin with so she is quite late on starting. If things continue like this the gap will only widen.

For that reason, Kaede not having an easy way to level up her AGI was so low, that she couldn’t go to the place where strong monsters are in a short time.

“What should I do?”

She was staring at the information bulletin board thinking if there was a skill that would be useful.

The reason why she is thinking about it seriously right now was because of the announcement by the game staff about an event.

Right, after one week. An event will start.

The event’s content is point value battle royale. Every participant will fight for the number of defeated players and the death count.

Also, points will be received for dealt damage and damage not received.

And to the top ten, limited event items will be sent.

“Limited, being called by that makes me want it… No, I really want it already!”

Kaede was the type of person that buys merchandise even if it was useless if there was a limited edition written on it.

That’s why she is thinking of ways to deal with the level gap.

“In the meantime, let’s go!”

Kaede stopped staring at the bulletin boards and walked toward the north.

Right, Kaede didn’t know. How abnormal her strength and power were.

“Tomorrow is a day too… I guess I’ll go outside and gather more skills.”

Arriving in the north forest near the starting town.

Staying here for the night, one of the prey that she targeted is an explosion bug. A bug that self destruct itself upon contact.

Another is a monster that is familiar in many games called a goblin. Kaede immediately uses provoking skills.

Kaede’s body released a sparkling circular light. The light then attracted monsters. At another moment the monster was coming straight toward her direction.

She only took those goblins as the opponent. The number of goblins is five. Other monsters than that, she didn’t care because even if she was attacked this monster will not stand a chance with her sword.

The sword boost skill was a right fit for her STR-specialized build. With her STR quadrupled because of this skill. A monster that appeared outside of the starting town is nothing but a small fry.

The goblins were cut and slashed at Kaede using her sword. But even if Kaede is AGI 0. Her own physical movement was enough to reach the goblin monsters.

The monster was continuously getting pulled with Kaede’s provoking skill. She started to get tired of slashing using her sword. And with a five goblins leaping to attack her in the same direction. Her body instinct moves on its own. She rolled into the ground to avoid the goblin attack.

After rolling with the sword in her hand she slashes defeating one goblin. She dodges once again with her own physical speed. Then followed with another attack. The action was repeated and Kaede was able to defeat the goblins completely.

(Knowledge of evasion art level 1 skill had been acquired!)

Knowledge of the evasion makes Kaede’s body a bit faster when she was trying to avoid any upcoming attack on her. With her lack of agility and movement speed, this is a great skill for her.

This is one of the basic skills used by agility-type players such as thieves and assassins.

“Envision skill will be of great use in the event. I must have this skill level up to its full potential… Provoke activate!”

Her training continues and she pulls another wave of goblin monsters toward her direction. By adding goblins to a total of ten and she avoided them.

The efficiency of her skill has risen.

The “Knowledge of evasion skill level 1” grew into “Knowledge of evasion skill level 4” with only in few hours of training.

In addition, she also got the skill of “Sturdy body” and “Endure.” Their effects were both damage reduction by one.

“This much is good… Huh? What is this one?”

She acquires a skill that she wasn’t expecting at all.

(Abominable Skill had been acquired.)

Kaede’s playstyle was completely different ti other players, she endured and endured for a long period of time, so she gains skills that are not easily obtained by the other players.

“Abominable” every time an attack was received from the opponent intentionally (VIT +1). But skill effects will only be available one day starting from the activation of the skill. (Max stack limit (VIT +25).

“With this, my vitality and health will not be a problem anymore… What and good miscalculation! I guess I was very lucky.”

Kaede was so happy she almost danced. But the training was not over yet. She goes into the deeper part of the forest.

Before she went into this training Kaede have a singular goal on her head. She has a goal of finding unconfirmed skills.

The explosion ladybug, as its name says. Is a ladybug that explodes, and its size is around double of a normal ladybug?

Experience gained is very bad, takes a lot of tiles to encounter since it’s deep is small and the damage is also huge.

That’s why Kaede could monopolize the hunting ground that is unused by herself.

When Kaede reached their spawning place, she used “Provoke” to call the ladybugs. Because they are not hunted at all, there were a huge amount of ladybugs that few, but to that, Kaede only took out her black blade a little from its sheath.

“Paralyzing Roar!”

Although it was called a Roar, a silent but clear metal sound echoed in the whole area. Paralyzing Roar was a skill that was infused with her black blade is originally used by the black poison dragon. The name was almost the same as the dragon.

It means, its sound just needed to echo, that’s why Kaede used the sound “Kin!” that comes out when sheath as its trigger.

“So cool! Pulling my sword and putting it back to activate my skill was amazing. I always thought it was cool to use it that way, but seeing it and hearing it on my own. Was very satisfying.”

The sound waves that echoed in the whole area made the ladybugs immobilized and fell to the ground. Kaede was very content with what she’s seeing.

Kaede squatted and get one of the ladybugs.

“Sorry, mister ladybug… I mean miss ladybug.”

She closed her eyes and started eating the ladybugs one by one.

“This is like eating crispy fried chicken skin. It was nothing when I closed my eyes. It doesn’t have much taste at all…”

It’s not like Kaede had not thought about anything since she was doing this. It was proven that Kaede’s idea was right at the time after she ate 50 ladybugs.

(Bizarre eater skill had been acquired.)

(Bomb eater skill had been acquired.)

“I guess, it’s okay to stop eating right now.”

Checking the skill she gains she opens her status.

“Bizarre Eater” is A skill that changes everything that was devoured as power. Will devour even magic, and can change it to the user’s MP. When the magic power overflows, will be stored inside the body as a magic crystal.

“Bomb Eater” Reduces explosive type damage by 50.

“These two are great skills! Ha~ There was a good reason I did my best eating~”

Kaede infused “Bizarre Eater to her black sword(Moon piercer).

Bizarre Eater is a passive skill so the use limit had nothing to do with it. In addition, eating the magic attack and direct attack dealt with weapons can completely nullify it.

“Anything that's as eaten with Bizarre eater will become a magic counter. Each magic counter can release powerful magic with my sword! Hehehehehe… So cool!”

Using her black sword she trusted it forward and made a pose. Her image training was perfectly perfect.

“I was searching for the explosion magic, but in the end, I was not able to have it. In the end, I was satisfied with every skill that I obtained… All I need to do is raise my level until the time limit before the event starts.”

Who knows what will become of Kaede’s first event?

She last checks her status. In front of her, a blue-colored panel appeared.

Kaede’s current status:

Name: Kaede

Level: 20

HP: 40/40

MP: 12/12

STR: 270 (+810) (+15) (+25) (+6)

VIT: 0 (+10)

AGI: 0

DEX: 0

INT: 0

Equipements: (Black knight armor) (Moon piercer) (Ring of the forest queen bee)

Skills: Sword boost, Provoke, Poison resistance, Meditation, Great defense, Endure, Knowledge of evasion, Abominable, Sturdy body, Attack diversion, Bomb eater.

“Everything was prepared now I’m fully ready for the event. I wonder what will happen ~…”

This event will become Kaede’s first player-versus-player experience. She is not to blame for being nervous.

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