Escapia: A VRMMO

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Escapia: A VRMMO

By: Daemon OngoingGames

Language: English

Chapters: 21 views: 1.7K

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Escapia is a huge open world where every floor and every boss is designed differently, there are 10 classes, and there are hunting spots and activities in each floor! After our main characters are trapped in Escapia, they try to finish the game in order to return to their world. But to finish the game, they have to level up, fight the bosses on the floors, and unlock all the floors. On the last floor, there is the developer of the game himself. Finally, Escapia is truly an MMO! So with all its pros and cons... In the game, they have to grind, talk to NPC's and balance and upgrade a lot of power systems at the same time. To say the least, Escapia is a dark comedy on the one hand and a VRMMO story where various maps and worlds are explored on the other!

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  • MaiWaifu


    I love The System floors and overall. I use guides as a dictionary of the game, instead of reading it as a Chapter and it works! World building 15/10 Everything else is 8/10 So 13,5/10

    2022-03-31 16:46:53
  • MaiWaifu


    As a nice MMO player and an Otaku-Neet (as The Novel mentions, lol), i enjoyer this way more than i expected, The book's cover needs to change to attract other viewers tho

    2022-03-31 16:43:23
Latest Chapter
21 chapters
(IF YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED IN GAME'S INFORMATION SKIP TO THE CHAPTER 1: TRAPPED) CLASSES GUIDE Guide: Exploring the Diverse Classes of our MMO World Embark on an exciting adventure in our immersive MMO world, where you can choose from a remarkable array of 10 classes. Each class comes with its own distinct playstyle and unique weapon, ensuring an engaging experience for players of all preferences. Let's delve into the three categories that divide these classes: Melee, Ranged, and Spell. A. Melee Classes - Unleash Close-Quarters Mayhem The Melee classes excel in offensive capabilities but have limited range. They thrive on pursuing and cornering ranged opponents during intense team battles. Blademaster - Dance with Light Swords Masters of the blade, the Blademasters wield swift and agile light swords. As they progress beyond level 50, they unlock the ability to dual-wield these blades, intensifying their damage-dealing potential. Expect pure DPS goodness from this class, boasting
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Chapter 1: Trapped
Daemon rushed into the house, his heart pounding with a mix of frustration and disappointment. He flung his backpack into the hallway and darted into his room, slamming the door shut behind him. Collapsing onto his bed, Daemon picked up his phone and opened the W******p app. He scrolled through his high school group messages, searching for something to distract himself from the overwhelming emotions he felt. "Mitsuri: Bro, send me the photos we took at the party today." "Shou: Okay, bro, I'm sending it. Just give me a second." "Shou: There you go:" Daemon's gaze fell upon the photos, and a wave of sadness washed over him. In the first picture, Mitsuri and Yui were captured in a passionate kiss. Daemon zoomed in, his eyes drawn to the background. A few girls were engrossed in a karaoke session, while most of the guys were engrossed in arcade games. They all seemed to be having a great time. In the second photo, the girls playfully lifted each other on their shoulders, striking po
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Chapter 2: Comforting
Three days had passed since the incident that trapped them in the game. Exhausted and unable to access the house system, people resorted to sleeping under trees and on the grass. The developer, Kuudere Dev, had thought it was a brilliant idea to lock the home system behind a level requirement, much to the frustration of the players. Almost 500 lives had been lost, a grim reminder of the dangers lurking in this virtual world. Amidst the chaos, Lockheart and Daemon continued their arduous grind, tirelessly hunting wolves in the forest to level up. Sleep deprivation had taken its toll on them, but they pressed on. Lockheart, weary and desperate, finally spoke up. "Daemon, how many more wolves do we need to kill? I'm exhausted..." "Stop complaining, Lockheart! We'll stop when we reach level 20. Don't distract me when you're not even pulling your weight!" Daemon snapped back, his frustration evident. Lockheart cast a spell, sending a green light towards a wolf and inflicting damage. Ho
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Chapter 3: First Boss
An hour had passed since Daemon and Lockheart's conversation, and now they found themselves sitting together, captivated by the mesmerizing sunset in the virtual world. The game boasted a realistic time loop, where the sun gradually set, causing shadows to shift and objects to be bathed in a warm, orange-yellow glow. As they soaked in the breathtaking scenery, Daemon couldn't help but acknowledge the game's unparalleled visual beauty. Daemon finally broke the silence, diverting their attention. "You know, Lockheart, we unlocked two new systems recently." Lockheart, reluctant to interrupt the serene moment, sighed softly. She preferred to bask in the enchanting sunset rather than engage in a conversation. Nevertheless, she responded, "Alright, go ahead." Sensing her disinterest, Daemon couldn't help but notice something was bothering her. "Is something on your mind?" he inquired, concerned. Lockheart shook her head, attempting to dismiss her worries. "No, it's nothing. Please, conti
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Chapter 4: Day-Off
The morning sun cast a gentle glow over the lush grass, enveloping the surroundings in a serene ambiance. The forest came alive with the melodious chirping of birds perched on the branches of mighty trees. The distant sounds of chickens in the fields added a touch of rural charm. It was a refreshing and picturesque day in Escapia. Daemon was enjoying the pleasant morning, engaging in polite conversations with NPCs. He handed over some woods to a young child NPC. The NPC smiled gratefully and said, "Thank you for the woods, adventurer-" Daemon, growing frustrated with the inability to skip through NPC dialogue, interrupted abruptly, "Kid, spare me the details." "Oh, adventurer! I knew you would help me the moment I saw your face." Daemon clenched his fist, feeling annoyance simmer within him. The NPC continued, unaware of Daemon's frustration, "When I bring these woods to my dad, he'll be overjoyed-" Unable to contain himself any longer, Daemon exploded, "Let me skip it! Let me!"
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Chapter 5: Shards
Lockheart and Daemon battled against small cactus hybrids in the scorching heat of Desertium. Despite the intense fight, Daemon's stomach growled, a clear indication of hunger. Lockheart, too, had lost focus on the battle and was rubbing her stomach, displaying her own hunger. She occasionally granted Daemon a buff to help him in the fight. Their eyes met briefly, but Daemon quickly turned away, breaking the silence that hung between them. Lockheart broke the silence by sarcastically congratulating Daemon, "Oh, congratulations, Daemon! I'm so glad we had that sandwich earlier!" Daemon retorted, "Ah, shut up! At least it gave us extra HP!" Lockheart gestured toward the caption above Daemon Lockheart's name and applauded ironically, "Yeah, it also gave us a brand new status effect. Look above my head..." Daemon read the caption, "Nausea." Lockheart pushed Daemon lightly and said, "Congratulations! You're so annoying!" Daemon responded by lightly slapping Lockheart's hand away, sayi
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Chapter 6: Trauma
Just as Daemon prepared to launch his attack, a familiar voice called out to him, "Takashi!" Surprised, Daemon turned around and saw a man, Mitsuri, slumped on the ground, his HP bar rapidly depleting and nearing death. Daemon's eyes widened as he recognized Mitsuri, his long blond hair and blue eyes confirming his identity. Mitsuri struggled to speak through heavy breaths, pleading for help, "Takashi, is that you? Please, I don't think I can hold on much longer!" Before Daemon could react, the Minotaur Boss slammed its ax into the ground once more, causing the ice shard above Mitsuri to sway dangerously. Desperation filled Daemon's voice as he cried out, "Mitsuri, move! You're going to die!" But Mitsuri seemed unable to hear Daemon's plea, his exhaustion impairing his senses. He looked at Daemon one last time, seeking assistance, before his eyes slowly closed. Within seconds, the ice shard swung and fell, piercing Mitsuri's body. Then, Mitsuri's form disappeared from the game, his
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Chapter 7: Healer Girl
Morning arrived, casting its warm glow upon the peaceful landscape. Lockheart had found comfort in sleep, lying on the soft grass beneath a tree. As the gentle breeze caressed the surroundings, Daemon approached her and lightly poked her shoulder. "Lockheart, wake up," he whispered. Yawning and rubbing her eyes, Lockheart stood up and looked at Daemon, who wore a bored expression. The events of the previous day flooded her mind, and she cautiously broached the topic. "H-Hey, Takashi... I mean Daemon. Are you feeling any better now?" Daemon nodded silently, his face etched with a frown. Lockheart observed him, searching for any signs of emotional response, but his demeanor remained unchanged. "Lockheart, why the hell are you staring at me?" Daemon questioned, his voice tinged with annoyance. Startled by his reaction, Lockheart quickly averted her gaze and apologized. She decided not to delve into the matter further, aware that Daemon's emotional state when he had cried seemed more
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Chapter 8: The Cave
Daemon, Lockheart, and Nyaru sat on the grass of the Main Floor, engaged in conversation. Lockheart appeared weary, her expression marked by fatigue. Nyaru, on the other hand, had lost interest in the discussion and rested her head on the grass, observing the ants crawling on the ground. Daemon took on the role of explaining the cave dungeons on Floor 3 to his companions. He began by describing their first dungeon battle. "We'll be venturing into the Cave Dungeons on Level 3 for our upcoming battle," Daemon started. "As you may know, each cave dungeon has its unique theme. There are ice caves, fire caves, underground caves, and so on. The particular cave we're about to enter is the Undersea Dungeon," Daemon continued, glancing at Nyaru. Nyaru, having abandoned her observation of the ants, turned her attention to Daemon. "Yes, nii-chan?" "If we encounter any enemies in the dungeon that resemble octopuses or have tentacles, make sure to keep your distance. We never know what tricks
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Chapter 9: Memories
The battle against the Sirens intensified as Daemon realized Lockheart's attacks were ineffective against them. Frustration filled his eyes as he glanced at Lockheart, desperately wanting to find a solution. Her wand emitted feeble green lights that barely made a dent in the Sirens' health bars. Clenching his fist, Daemon made up his mind. "Enough, Lockheart! Stop attacking. It's my turn now!" With determination, he leaped onto the boulder, searching for a strategic advantage. Finding a moss-free ledge, he swiftly ascended and positioned himself directly above the Sirens. In a display of acrobatics, Daemon performed a backflip, driving his sword into one Siren's chest upon landing. With a swift kick, he sent the other Siren tumbling down the boulder, where it vanished into oblivion. The echoing sound of its demise resonated through the cave. As Daemon prepared to face the remaining enraged Siren, its screams pierced the air. Caught off guard, Daemon lost his balance and plummeted fi
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