Chapter 44

He told him that he is going to leave him in charge and he also wanted to tell him that he and the soldiers are going to stay here and wait for her in case she didn't contact him

Because he knows maybe her smart husband has already sent her a massage of our coming yes doctor Mario did that but when he did it was too late because she didn't understand any of it and have been confused

Now they have already captured her she is in their hands Trent's father told the solder that he knows that doctor Mario might be smart to let his wife know what was happening

But he is not that smart to find somewhere safe for his wife that we can't find her so I'm going to leave you in charge of the people that will hunt her around the house

She will surely come and let me tell you this doctor Mario tried to impress him he told him that if he catch the woman then he is going to give him almost a billion

Even though the solder knows that then Trent's father was not even worth a million if he is not wi
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