Chapter 94

Mr. Gomez and his son, Neil, went to the mansion of Mrs. Jones. They met her children, thanking her for bailing them from the prison. After Mrs. Jones welcome Mrs. Gomez and Neil, she looked at her children, and said,

"I'm sorry for getting you guys arrested. It's not my fault. You all provoke me to the point I can stop myself from letting the cops arrest you... Where should we enjoy our weekend?"

Aunty Xenia exchange glances with Uncle Mason and then with Doctor Trey, waiting for them to answer. But it seems they feared what she also feared. She doesn't want to say the wrong place, so that she won't provoke Mrs. Jones once more.

But their silence provokes Mrs. Jones.

"I have a guest. I don't have time for your silence. Should I cancel it?" Mrs Jones asked.

"Grand Commandos," Uncle Mason blurted out.

"Good. The hotel was also on my mind. Go research about how much it would cost me," Mrs. Jones said, and motioned them to go out.

Although Doctor Trey wanted to ask if Mrs. Jones would ge
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