War Strategic Lesson

It took Greraver and Dielh twelve hours to finish their work. All those gigantic trees now turned into neatly arranged pieces of logs. Both lay down on the grass, resting to relieve fatigue. The sun had risen and was right above their heads.

“I’m hungry,” Dielh said.

“Don’t eat me, Gre,” Dielh replied lazily.

“Stop taunting me. Since I met Zesa, I feel more in control.”

“Is that true?!” Teraus’ voice surprised them.

Greraver and Dielh sat down immediately when Teraus arrived. The old man stood in front of them. His cold face showed firmness.

“Your skills still need to be tested. Do not rest on your laurels, Prince. Starting today, you will eat and sleep a little.”

“Are you training us or torturing us? When I was a warrior of the Vain Dominion empire, they didn’t do such heavy things.” Dielh protested Teraus.

“That’s why your empire isn’t as strong as it used to be. Today, they respected the Vain Dominion kingdom for its wealth. Your strength is no longer an army or a war strategy. Zul
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