Chapter 21

Chapter 21

On pulling up before the building which the meeting was getting held in, Richardson felt extremely gobsmacked.

The building was so tall, Richardson was sure it was over fifty floors in total, and as he exited his car and pocketed his keys, a nervous feeling engulfed him.

Tom led the way into the building, past a bunch of security men who bowed in respect on sighting Richardson, who was trying to hide how nervous he was by pocketing his hands.

On the elevator which was taking them to the highest floor of the building, Tom explained to Richardson about how he shouldn’t let whatever is said to him in the meeting get to him.

At this point, Richardson just wanted to attend the meeting so it could be done and over with already.

The elevator finally stopped and Tom had to input a code, which he informed Richardson was an exclusive code needed to access this floor of the building.

The code gets changed daily, in order to ensure the tightest security ever. Richardson was wowe
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