What am I

It had been two days since the battle with the second order warbeast and Rogan had finally woken up after being unconscious for all that time.

As he awoke he began to survey his surroundings, making sure that there was no danger in his immediate surroundings.

It appared as though he was in a safe enough location as he seemed to be lauing on a simple bed that was made rather crudely.

Rogan began to slowly sit up to observe his injures, but as he sat up a sharp pain began to pulsate throughout his body causing him to drop back into his bed.

As soon as he dropped back onto his bed a figure seemed to open the entrance to the tent he was inside of.

This was Leah, she had been taking care of him and was in quite a shocked state after seeing the condition he was in after the battle.

Before Rogan could ask any questions Leahs raised voice was heard."You idiot. You said you had a plan, I didn't expect it to be to end your own life."

She was furious. If it wasn't for the fact that he was able
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