Episode 119

"Wait is over?" (random player)

A commotion started to happen the Emperor player's body was immobile on the ground but without even a single scratch it made it clear to Noah what the true ability of the Veryam spirit

"This skill is Useless how did you manage to rank so high?" (Noah)

The players began to pay attention to Noah, the discussion ceased and a shower of questions began.

"What do you mean Noah?" (Random player one)

"Is the Emperor player dead?" (Random player two)

"How can he be without a scratch after that attack?" (Random player three)

The showers of questions continued and Noah answered them without even opening his mouth.

"Get up you worthless what happened to your fighting spirit? Do you really want to lose to me?" (Noah)

Noah stretched out his right arm, shooting a flare of flame capable of making the glass instantly turn to liquid.

"As you can see everything arou
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