Episode 120

"Hahahaha" (Player Emperor)

The Emperor player was in a state of euphoria

All the players in the audience were finding this a deplorable situation a player as arrogant as he was going crazy in front of an invisible opponent

"Uhg I didn't know he was that weird" (Random Player One)

"You are in the situation completely wrong" (Aloci)

"Hey weren't you the person who was saying the Emperor player would never lose?" (Random player two)

The players stopped paying attention to the fight and started making fun of Aloci, who remained motionless, ignoring the existence of all of them.

"You worthless look forward to this is a fight that is impossible for there to be a loser" (Aloci)

"What are you talking about?" (Random player three)

"Nice words won't make his defeat any less humiliating" (Random player one)

"Haven't you noticed that he's laughing nonstop even though he's still?" (alloc)
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