The son-in-law's revenge
The son-in-law's revenge
Author: Kiara
Zero dignity

The luxurious villa of Travinson family is well lit by games of light, nicely decorated with garlands, decorative objects.

Tonight is Christmas, the whole Travison family gathers at the home of the matriarch of the Lady Travison family to celebrate this happy event.

Many grandchildren, children, granddaughters and sons-in-law arrive at the family home.

"Good evening Grandma, Merry Christmas" said one of the son-in-law giving Lady Travison a kiss. "Hold this little gift grandma". He said to her, handing her a small golden box.

“Grandmother Merry Christmas. You look lovely tonight,” compliments another stepson.

Once everyone is present, they all sit around a large table.

Old Mrs. Travison looked at her various in-law grandchildren and laughed, making the whole family happy.

Just then, Mrs. Travison's eldest grandson, Richard came in dressed as a tramp and said with a smile:

"Can you make room for me? I would also like to sit down and chat with you".

All eyes were on him, the whole Travison family was shocked.

This living son-in-law is too brave, right? How dare he ask that we give him a place among civilized people when he is only worthless, his place is in the kitchen and in the toilet.

Four years ago matriarch Mrs Travison didn't know where to find her late husband , Richard and insisted he marry her granddaughter Hellen Travison. At that time, Richard was penniless, dirty, just like a beggar, like now.

After the two got married, the old master passed away. Since then, the Travison family has been deliberately trying to drive him out.

It's just that Richard is indifferent and unmoved by other people's insults, so he's always been a living son-in-law in the Travison family.

He is also helpless to ask to sit among them, but he felt that today was Christmas and maybe they could be nice to him on that day.

The old lady's face fell instantly, she lowered her head, then lifted it to look at him. The expression on his face reflected his anger.

"What is this idiot! How dare you ask to sit with us? Your place is in a trash can." Said the old lady.

Hellen's little sister, Lynda laughs "Hellen but what kind of husband do you have? Oh my God! He asks to sit with us when he has never offered anything to any of us us here, while Leo is only my fiancé but this year he gave a gold necklace from the Platinium brand to grandma and helped us to develop our family business while he is only the last grandson".

"yes my fiancée rightly Richard you are worth nothing, we two are stepsons but you have never done anything for this family." Adds Leo the fiancé of Lynda.

Richard looks down, ashamed, he didn't dare say a word. After the death of the patriarch Mr Travison, Richard was reduced to the rank of slave, servant.

"Stop talking to him like that, he has a damn dignity too!" . Said Hellen getting up from her seat.

Hearing this, Richard lifted his head and saw Hellen angry, he was relieved that his wife came to his defense.

Everyone in the room burst out laughing.

“Dignity? Are you talking to me about dignity? Don't make me laugh please. Said Elena Hellen's mother before laughing nervously “I wish he was a dignity but alas. If he had any dignity our family wouldn't be judged," she added irritably.

"That kind of garbage, better get it out of our Travison family ASAP!" Says Hellen Solomon's little brother.

“If he had any dignity, he would have answered it, would have defended himself like a man and would not have stood there like a post or like a mute,” adds Mrs Travison. "I don't know what my husband found out about that asshole".

"Grandmother because of him our family is the victim of ridicule, all my friends make fun of me at school because of this garbage" says Emeraude, the last born of the family. She was still in high school.

Hearing the hurtful words and insults of the Travison family members, Richard couldn't help but clench his fists, but unfortunately he couldn't do anything, he was helpless. In the end maybe they were right, he is just a waste and a man without dignity.

If not what normal man would agree to be reduced to a slave, to do menial work and to be married to such a lovely woman and to have never touched her even once in four years of marriage? ? What a man ?

"You are silent Solomon, I remind you that Richard is your eldest and your brother-in-law you owe him respect. And you too Emerald you do not have your word you are my youngest, you owe me and my husband respect" said Helen looking at her little brother and sister with a murderous look, if the look could kill, I believe they would be dead and buried in this moment. "You don't You're just a heartless family, well if he doesn't sit down, I don't sit down either."

"Hellen don't worry about me, after all they are right" Richard said looking down, he was really disappointed and ashamed. "I'll leave you, Merry Christmas" he said as he turned to leave.

“If he goes, I go with him,” Hellen said, following him.

"You dare not follow this shit! Come back quickly and sit here Hellen" said Casper Hellen's father authoritatively. "All this is my late father's fault, I don't know why he wanted you to marry this imbecile, this incompetent who is sullying our reputation. " he adds, looking at Richard with disgust.

"Let's see Hellen, you are a very beautiful young woman, and all the great men in this country have eyes only for you, take the example of Mr Eliott, he is crazy about you and has a lot of money, he helps us financially and yet you don't want him, so imagine if you're with him. I don't know what you think about this filthy, ugly, poor man. Divorce him and marry Mr Eliott" Elena said trying to convince her. But Hellen didn't give a damn about what she was saying.

“Mom, I wouldn't divorce him for anything in the world, he's my husband,” Hellen replies dryly.

"Do you mean to tell me you love him? Do you love that poor man? Answer me," Casper said furiously.

Hellen was a well-known goddess in the town, but seeing the goddess marrying this worthless man, everyone in town was flabbergasted and shocked. How could such a goddess marry a beggar? It was the subject that fed the gossip in the neighborhoods, we talked about it in the media, the newspapers.

"But dad, mom..." Hellen begins before being cut off.

"Stay Hellen, don't worry about me, I even still have clothes to wash" Richard said disappointed.

"Yeah! That's right, go ahead! Go wash those clothes." Leo pulls his handkerchief with which he blows his nose from his jacket pocket and aims it at Richard. The handkerchief hits her face.

The entire Travison family except Hellen burst out laughing. Richard grits his teeth, but bends down anyway and picks up the handkerchief.

Hellen is shocked but is helpless, she can't help him, she doesn't want to risk upsetting her family even more, so she prefers to keep quiet.

Ashamed, Richard walks towards the door with his head down, he does not realize that someone is in front of him and he bumps into him.

Oh my god! He had just come into Mr. Eliott Bander the owner of the largest oil industry in the country.

Decidedly it was not his lucky day like all the others.

To be continue...

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