The beginning of Tiffany’s misery

Western high school.

By the time they entered the school compound, the students had just finished their morning gathering and were moving to their classes.

Aiden parked his power bike in his usual spot and moved toward Tiffany to hold her hand.

"Let's get you to your classroom first," he fondled her hand and smiled.

"Do we need to do this in school? People will..."

"Baby, I so much love public affection like anything, besides I'm dating a very beautiful and special lady. There's no reason to keep our relationship private," Aiden interrupted her as they walked.

"Okay, I'll do as you've said," he added when she didn't say anything.

"If you want us to keep it pri..."

"No, it's okay by me. At least those bîtches crushing on you will learn to stay back," Tiffany smiled.

"Did you also agree that I have quite a lot of crush?" He leaned closer, giggling.

"Shut up."


"That's Aiden."

" Why is he with that girl?"

"Are they dating?"

"Fûck, no way!"


"Someone took a picture just now," Tiffany
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