Chapter 75 Keeping Score

After Shizu successfully dragged Azi into the bath, she began to strip him of his clothes with a gleeful expression. Azi, unable to resist her overbearing strength, felt immense indignation as his body was laid bare to a woman's eyes.

While both Azi and Shizu had both gotten used to seeing each other's naked bodies, it was uncomfortable in this situation as there was not an air of professionalism or etiquette. Additionally, the gleeful look on Shizu's face annoyed Azi as he knew that this young woman got a kick out of tormenting him.

With all his strength, Azi attempted to keep the last layer of clothes that protected his manhood from sight. Shizu was straddling over Azi's body and she gripped the hem of his pants.


"OH COME ON!.... AZI! IT'S JUST A BATH. NO NEED TO BE SHY!" Shizu grunted a bit and was able to gain some ground as the pants started to slip down Azi’s waist. He trembled in fear as he did not want to face Shizu's antics in the bath as his heart
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