Two Worlds Conqueror System
Two Worlds Conqueror System
Author: RJ James Low
Chapter 1: System Awakening

"Ah!" screamed the people in the streets at the sound of gun shots.

"Come with us! Then you can still survive!" snapped an adult man with a scary face. His right hand was pointing a gun in the air. His left hand held the collar of a 27-year-old young man's shirt.

"Tch! I'd still be able to fight back, if they didn't have a gun," Raff Petterson thought. His collar was still held tightly. His body was pulled towards a dark place between buildings, no one dared to help him. Ten men with scary faces surrounded him from all directions.

"Do you know who the woman you just dated is?" asked the man with the gun. Raff guessed that the man was the gang leader who had suddenly confronted him.

"We just met today. We only met over the internet," Raff replied.

"Don't lie! You must be her boyfriend, right?" another gang member snapped.

"No, I'm not. I only met her today," Raff replied.

"Don't lie! We've been looking for that woman for a long time. She owes a debt to our gang," snapped the gang leader as he put a gun to Raff's forehead.

"I can guess what they're up to now. What criminals," Raff thought.

"You have to pay all her debts right now! If not, we'll sell your head!" threatened the gang leader.

"I don't have any money right now," Raff replied.

"Uhuk!" cried Raff as his stomach was kicked from the side by another gang member. Raff's body knelt on the ground holding his sore stomach.

"So many excuses! Just take out all your stuff!" snapped the gang member who kicked him.

Raff's head was grabbed until he was forced to stand up again. Two other gang members immediately searched Raff's shirt and pants pockets. All Raff's valuables were taken out, Raff's wallet and cell phone were forcibly taken by the gang leader while laughing.

"Thank you. If it's not enough later we'll see you again," said the gang leader.

Raff's body was kicked to the ground. All the gang members left laughing. Raindrops began to fall from the sky as if accompanying Raff's sadness.

"How much longer do I have to suffer like this?" thought Raff as he held his stomach.

"Why does everything I do always end in regret?"

"Do poor people like me not deserve to be happy?"

"Why do people who do evil in this world get happiness? Where is the real justice?" Raff muttered as he stood up.

"There is no such thing as justice in this world. Law, happiness, love and everything else belong to the rich," said Raff.

Raff stepped out in the rain that poured down on Louge City. He headed to the internet café where he usually stayed. He caught the attention of everyone he passed. Raff's clothes were soaked when he arrived at the internet café.

"Sorry Raff. But starting tonight we can no longer accept you here," the internet café guard replied as Raff was about to enter.

"What happened Ron? I've always paid all the fees even though I was late," Raff asked in surprise.

"I don't want to help you. But just now all the internet cafes in Louge City got this sheet from Mayor Nichol. Mr. Jeff threatened to fire me if I still accepted you here," Ron explained. He handed a piece of paper to Raff.

It said that Raff Petterson was a dangerous person. All hotels, apartments, inns, internet cafes and other places are prohibited from accepting Raff. If anyone violated then the police would arrest him.

"Tch! Rich bastard! How did he know I was in this city!" Raff grumbled while squeezing the sheet in his hand.

"You know the mayor's family?" asked Ron.

"Yes. Their son used to go to school with me. He was one of the people who always tormented me at school," Raff replied.

"I'm sorry," said Ron. Raff just shook his head because he had no problem bringing up his past.

"Hey you get out of my place!" snapped the owner of the internet café named Jeff. He immediately came out of the building while clenching his fists.

"Get out of here before I kick you in the face! You son of a bitch!" said Jeff.

"Kick him out Ron!" Jeff ordered.

"Yes! I heard that too!" said Raff as he walked away.

"How dare you grumble! Watch out if you come here again I'll break your neck!" snapped Jeff.

"Next time I might break your neck!" thought Raff.

The pouring rain and the cold night air did not bother Raff. He continued to walk along the side of the road. He could hear the sound of the rushing river in the distance. The sound became clearer as Raff headed towards it.

"Argh! Fuck!" Raff shouted as loudly as he could after reaching the riverbank. He slammed his hands against the bridge wall until his fingers were cut.

"What am I supposed to do? I've worked hard all this time. I heard that hard work doesn't pay off. But what did I get today! It's all for nothing!" shouted Raff.

Suddenly Raff's body went limp. He fell to the ground and lay unconscious. The look in his eyes was faintly darkening. The raindrops were pouring down on him.

"What's happening? Am I going to die?" thought Raff. Suddenly he heard a computer-like woman talking inside his head.

[Activating System!]


[Raff Petterson]


[Human Race]

[Real World]

[IQ: 178]

[Level: 1]

[Strength: 65]

[Agility: 98]

[Durability: 81]

[Magic Power: 63]

[Mana: 78]

[Scanning finished]

[Skill Unlocked]

[Trap Master]

[Dimensional Gate]

[Ultimate Skill Locked]

[Passive Skill locked]

[System Activated!]

Raff's body shook as if he had been electrocuted. Raff's gaze returned to normal. He can now move his whole body as usual. Only his breathing was labored due to fear. Raff's vision, hearing and other senses felt sharper than before.

"What happened?" said Raff while holding his head.

[Answer: The system activation process causes the body to be temporarily paralyzed]

"What? Who's talking in my head? What's really going on?" said Raff starting to panic.

[Showing system mechanism!]

[Showing the skill mechanism!]

[Showing magic mechanism!]

[Showing level status!]

Suddenly the workings of the system inside his body were clearly drawn and detailed in his brain. Including the reason why the system was active inside him. It turns out that everyone actually has a system. But there are certain conditions to activate it.

Raff can activate the system in his body after being treated badly by others, insulted, bullied or others 4,301,945 times for 20 years. During that time he also had to do good 4,501,708 times.

"This kind of situation feels similar to what often happens in fiction stories," Raff said while standing up.

Now Raff is calmer after understanding everything that happened. The system has also explained to him about the ways and effects of using all the skills he got. Right now he did get a foreign power that made no sense. But in return he had to accept all the missions given by the system.

"A worthy exchange. No, I'll know whether it's worth it or not if I try it," said Raff while stretching his right hand forward.

"Dimensional gate," said Raff using one of his skills.

Suddenly a dark black veil like a portal was created in front of Raff. The skill is able to connect the real world with the fantasy world. Raff's heartbeat was pounding as he walked into the dimensional portal.


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