
Neo looked at the enormous building in front of him and was guided by his Grandmother. He received a noble-like greeting from the staff.

"Who's this?" A man smiled

"Urvi's eldest, Neo." Undine laughed

He felt people's gaze sharpen on him, a teen threw water in his face and everyone gaped.

"A brat like you is her son?" he laughed "As if."

Other teenagers and young adults were now in the room looking at the youngest addition. Undine was about to intervene but the room was silenced as Neo ripped the teen's arm off. Neo dug his claws into his chest continuously, ripping the skin while avoiding the heart.

He swept his bloody hand into his brown hair, and let out a sigh as his phone rang. He answered it and placed it on the loudspeaker. Neo sat on the body and calmly looked at the scared eyes of the person. A dagger materialized in his free hand.

"Tor...where are you?" a deep voice asked

Neo went, "Family Gathering."

"You can't kill anyone else the heroes will be suspicious." the person sig
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