Souls and Spirits

Chapter 81

~~ Souls and Spirits ~~

“What else would it be?” Ian scoffed as he dusted some stone crumbs off his white shirt.

“She tricked us?!” Karen placed a hand on her temple.

Ian tilted his head to look at her by his left and shook his head, “More like IT tricked us. That wasn’t Beth, it was the Phantom all along.”

He returned his gaze to look at the dark being hovering above the decimated pub. He scoffed, “Tch. Who would have thought anything from Purgatory could be so calm and thoughtful?”

From his perspective, he estimated the Phantom to be at least seven feet tall. It had no peculiar characteristics; just a body made of shimmering darkness and bloodshot eyes. It was just there, standing aloft with its arms wide open.

Karen sighed depressingly, “She tricked us and I fell for it without hesitation.”

Ian had rolled his sleeves up at this point. He lifted his hand and placed it on her shoulder, “You can’t blame yourself. Her words… Or rather, its words were intoxicating. Even I cou
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