Chapter 27

"After witnessing your pets' rage, they just look like toys. They are cute." Sean pointed at the magma monster.

"Because we're dressed in this armor! You've never experienced a magma shower, have you?"

"Have you?"

"In this location, I died. I gave my armor to the cute girl I recently met.

"You must adore her so much that you are willing to give your life for her."

"Of course, she's my friend."

"Just friends? What if I meet her and immediately fall in love with her? Is it okay if I approach her?"

Zach cast a sarcastic glance at Sean. "Quick, find the heirloom stone first!"

"That must be love at first sight. This is interesting." Sean chuckled.

Zach and Sean groped at the bottom of the magma river. Meanwhile, snake-like magma monsters wriggled around their bodies.

"What is this?" Zach discovers strange objects on the riverbank. "Huh! Look, Sean! There's a lot of gold in here!"

Zach's hands are stuffed with gold bars. He took everything he could. Sean followed Zach's directions. He also
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