April was just entering the house when her phone began to ring and seeing that it was work she wanted to answer the call but Nick interrupted her which was a little suspicious.

“Can I borrow your phone for a sec?”

April raised her eyebrows in confusion, “ I was about to answer a call and you didn’t let me” she sounded like she had been wronged.

“Phone April” Nick casually collected the phone from her and walked out to the porch, he didn’t want her to even know that the crime bureau was already on her.

When he was sure that she was out of earshot, he dialed the number again and after a while the lady from the other end answered.

“Hello, Mrs April”

“This is her husband,” Nick replied in an authoritative manner, “talk to me” he added.

The woman from the other end sighed, she was always cautious around this man. He was sure a ruthless one,

“The crime bureau is here for her?” She said after a while.

“I will be there in five and don’t call my wife’s phone again, call me instead”

After talki
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