86 queen Medusa

Arth and the snake monster faced each other with a look of mutual hatred.

Water poured from above the ceiling. There wasn't any sound in that place, there was just silence that made one feel lonely. Arth and the snake monster looked at each other with annoyed and hateful faces.

"Chyaaa" the snake monster threw and attacked Arth using his saliva. However, Arth jumps up so that the saliva hits a stone. Suddenly the stone melted like it was exposed to such a strong acid liquid.

"So be it! His saliva has become a very deadly poison" said Arth while throwing his spear at the snake monster.

"Brussh" Arth's spear hit the snake body of the monster. So that the snake Monster was in pain and pulled out the spear that stuck in his body.

"Hahaha...you're pretty good with spears...my son!.."said the snake monster while panting in pain. "What's your name?"

"My name? Secret...hahaha...kidding, you can call me by the name of Arth" Arth replied with a laugh because it has been praised. "And what's you
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